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.Tuesday, July 29, 2008 ' 11:51 PM Y
Don't wake me up, unless its in reality ♥

whee~ here comes lemon, flying back again
lols. lazy to blog la.. see la! cannot last long de

lols. let's talk about today...
what i've most looking forward to was the visit to ngee ann poly
i was short listed for DPA. whee~ XD
basically, today quite fun lor.

i think the horoscope book i buy is so agreed for me.
lols. everything it says came true man.
hmm. and tmr will be the day i'll be showered with love and happiness.
let see how true that'll be... XD

so we first had maths lesson, free period just to finish ourmaths paper
then it was chemistry. whee! 27/37 for the MCQ. i'd really improved!!!
after that was SS lesson. today so fun la. SABO lesson lor!
miss lo thought of a fun and creative way to start our revision
first we sat in a cirscle, then misslo, the GM, will throw questions at us
but the fun part is this. the person being called dosne't have to answer
but the person at is right have to answer! forfeit is included oso. lols
have fun with the sabo game.

then it was reading programme. another fun part~
miss krishnan used the same way to revise us with the conversation
lols. sabo lesson lor. gena was saboed, but she was GOOD.!!!
then recess.

after recess was english again, today we're doing on picture discussion
i think i've learnt to be more out-spoken and contribute duing group discussions
(cant compare with sarah of course, she's the msater of the 6th sense!!
sense of HUMOUR...)

then history lesson was miss lo's lesson again.
everyone was like wondering why i carried my bag down to the history room
DPA ma. leave school early.
so there i was having a spell again in the history room, and knock my head against the table
lols sia. miss lo said ''amanda looks bored, shall we throw her a question?''
lols. we couldnt win the free drinks during tmr recess. so sad hor. lols

after that went to th porch to wait for shimin and huishan to get the slip
to leave school early. lols
but super sian la. shimin and huishan was going to sp, they took the mrt.
i took the bus. yes... yu got it... ALONE.
risking taking a route that i am so not familiar with, and ALONE.

jumping straight to the mainhighlights of the day...
went to np, luckily i walked to the correct route to the school of humanities
then met a girl, like machinegun sia. lols
machinegun: fast, noisy, unstoppable..
you can guess wad i am saying right.. lols

when it was finally my turn. i was so damn nervous
you know i cant cope well with such situations
they were like asking questions, related or unrelated to the main thingy.
lols. i also joke abit make them laugh la. the atmosphere super tense la.

then after that met shimin and huishan at buona vista station
and went home tgt. i stand thruout the journey la.
shimin still say walk home. YOU GOOD.
reach minimart buy some popsicles and walk back home.
i think i saw abel at my house void deck, with his gf
mushy mushy one . lols. he was staring at me
i think i can be certain that he was him la. lols

after tat reach home, foot pain.
wear sch shoes too long le.
lols. then sms, and stone like dunno wad.
wanted to nap. was having spells again. then really nap

now dun wan nap le. SLEEP le.

.Monday, July 14, 2008 ' 11:40 PM Y
Don't wake me up, unless its in reality ♥

well. not exactly monday blue today,
feeling kinda great for a monday. lols
guess that some dosage works ah? XD

some GOOD news were announced during FR period
WHEE~ tmr 12 pm dismissed!
*three cheers for HMT!!

planning to go to MUM mart tmr with friends
wonder if the plan would worked.
since most of them are all on chionging mode.
my rubber band cant even stretch that far :S

managed to submit dpa today at vivian's house
total blankness for typing the reason for choosing the courses
(lol. i dun have the flair of crapping at these stuff)
luckily it is still able to be submitted, even when it reaches 4.01pm
lols! nice one :D

ya. thats all for today.
i keep getting spells nowadays.
*whee~the world is vibrating*

.Sunday, July 13, 2008 ' 11:18 PM Y
Don't wake me up, unless its in reality ♥

wa. today really bored.
overslept so skipped tuition.
then tried to touch my homework, but i cant concentrate.
dunno why..

watching shugo chara! in the afternoon,
brother came back home.
played dota with him
then making the chipmunk version of songs
he requested. he was laughing like mad

hehe. i wonder why i when mad today
as in insanely crying.
for nth.
how come ><
vivian called me talking about DPA
guess i could try it.
JC life is really gonna be tough for me
if i really choose.
cant even handle sec sch stress
how can i perservere?

ok. gotta continue homework
then touch up abit for art
see ya tmr^^

p.s: for whoever is seeing my blog i apologise
i'll be changing my skin to those in which
there'll be no navigation needed.
please bare with the song! its nice anyway ^^

. ' 12:24 PM Y
Don't wake me up, unless its in reality ♥

today is really bored can = =
thought i nv wake mummy up she wun bring me to see the sensei
but in the end she did :S

was in the mrt with mummy
then we were like talking for so long
still not reach dhoughby gauht. damn sian = =

reach the sensei there, the sensei was from china i think
english cant speak well. lols. but still understandable
then went to carrefour to buy things for ahma.
then queue damn long sia !_!
had some elderlys who can't read the signboard writing
''less than 10 items''
but for the sake of them having to queue, cashier had no choice
then my butter was melting in the air-con room. god = =

reaching ah ma house halfway, daddy called mummy
telling her that they will be accompanying a customer that night
leaving with no choice, i had to go home alone.
wa. lucky got shimin acc me(for a while)
until she went to watch sex and the city online.

hmm. and here i am in the house. nth to do:S
guess i may start art fast. overslept this morning
miss tong gonna kill me on monday = =. opps :S
i suppose i am trying to torture myself further= =.

hahas. better finish post when i can restrain myself to type further..
tata! :D

how long have i stop blogging?
3 days perhaps?
hmm. recently homework have been piling up
getting really crazy soon. lols
i mean crazy working :S
finally started to do something on my final board
that was really tough i think :S
still dun have the confidence to apply the colours
just in case i did something wrong, and there i go~ REDO ><i see what ppl doesnt, maybe they do
i think there's nth to post le~
think i'll continue tonight!
see ya :Di

.Tuesday, July 8, 2008 ' 6:51 PM Y
Don't wake me up, unless its in reality ♥

woke up early this morning to pack my oral materials needed for english
was scolded by mami :X(she said i chose a wrong timing to have her call me up)
after that pack until like 6am, went back to sleep again XD
then woke up at 6.30am.
usual things to do:-scratch head
-make bed
-brush teeth
-force mr kelvin ting to wake up
-if not, wake daddy up
-wear uniform
-tie hair
-eat breakfast
-rush out arh!!
i was lucky to have my papi to send me to school
of course la. where got so good one.. have to send kj and his sis too
lol. same school ma.
reach le school was reading period. had ytd's newspaper send to our school
lol.was reading about Mas Selamat Kastri news.
then suddenly stomachache!_!
dunno why this pain keep bugging me for months, hais.
thought i could at least tolerate the pain. but bth :S
ran to the toilet at the dnt block.. then found... NO TOILET PAPER
T_T. stayed at the toilet keep washing my face
then the pain subsided. i went back to my place. THEN PAIN AGAIN.
lols:S this time is tolerate until after national anthem.
thought that we could go back class after that.
who knows they want to check the condition of the thermometer T_T
BTH le. i told gena that i going to toilet again. lols.
then ran to the canteen toilet instead.
the rest of the SMELLY story dun wan say la :X hahaha.
then walk at the back og the general office.
saw miss krishnan. she asked me : Amanda, are you late AGAIN?
(omg :S i was never late for school T_T)
then i explain to her. and slowly pace back to the classroom
poor gena, have to act' pregnant woman' carry my bag up to class
LOL :X you're the wonder woman today XD
it was group work for maths at then. i wasnt feeling much well though
then it was chemistry...
then social studies.
OMG: today wasnt a nice day :S
in order to give us more time to eat(as the upper sec was complaining of short recess time)
they changed out recess time to 10.40-11.05. wa. tell me about it. ENOUGH ar?
have to assemble ack to class at 11. :S.
ppl dunnid go toilet first de ma? then go down eat.
where got time de T_T
after recess:
eniglish, then history.
was kinda slack in history today.
miss lo was talking about applying skills for usefulness
then dunno wad gena was doing, keep laughing to herself.
i looked at her paper, and she told me she was laughing at:
胡vì viàn. lols:S she;s going to be mad if she hears that XD
i meant vivian :X
then i was feeling so shack. i wrote a random and lousy poem :
my stomach is burning,
my legs are numb
my head is spinning
i am turning into dumb
lols. miss krishnan is going to kill me if she sees this
after history was maths again, then HMT.
HMT: also very slack. lols
was talking throughout the whole lesson with vivian
though i feel sorry for mdm song
but true enough, she doesnt seem to care about us :S
maybe she do, but her way of teaching is so much different
from what we;re receiving for the past 3 years.
from miss teo, she kept saying she doesnt have the ability to teach us.
where got! our results were quite good when you're teaching us you know? T_T
come back and teach us ma~ so that the boys in our class wun be so noisy = =
after school:
went home of cuz :S
was waiting for the bus with vivian, then board the bus.
manage to find a seat for myself, and she found hers somewhere near me.
actually, nothing special today, why did i crap so much? :S
okok..tata.. i am off to shower and hs5+homework
its my life:S (boring i know :X)

.Monday, July 7, 2008 ' 10:57 PM Y
Don't wake me up, unless its in reality ♥

so tired today:S
talk to konny until 2.30am.
then had to wake up so early in the morning like 6am to my ah ma house
went shopping with mummy at compass point after that in the afternoon:X
she almost get conned by the ppl working in the boutique
lucky i was there :S if not she'll anyhow buy clothes again
reach back home about 4 plus ba.
was feeling very exhausted by then :S
watch 1 episode from the legend dvd. tell you arh! SUPER NICE
but the ending SUPER SUCK :X
went into hs 5 to play. was afk most of the while
and here i am trying to complete the ss sbq:X
suddenly rmb. i still have tons of things haven finish !_!
omg. so i've been wasting my day? ><
test on letter format, do another summary for compre. prepare oral materials..

i am so dead ...
wonder what time i'll be slping tonight.
today found out another 2 injury on my right hand, apart from the ones
that i got from the 2.4 km run.
geez. better go do my work then wasting my time!_!
tata :D

.Sunday, July 6, 2008 ' 2:56 PM Y
Don't wake me up, unless its in reality ♥

i cant believe i finally wrote my first post :S
like it was created so long ago
gena said i would be able to write a post if i start
wonder how long i can continue this blog
eating lunch now~
daddy never fails to buy food that disgust me = =
down into my throat ><
though tmr is youth day...
its suppose to be a ''carefree'' day...
i guess i'm going to die tmr = =
i shouldn't send that mail:S
i am starting to regret cuz its SO LAST MIN work - -
in hs now:S
staring at daddy(koji) and mummy(msEVIL) dancing
and jie white dusk :S
that cpl stunt seem so wrong la = =
can't help laughing everytime i see that XD
later must chiong SBQ so that tmr can do art and study.
AI CIA CIA CIA! jyjy !! XP
blog profile all this i'll leave to pro to help me edit:S
i am dumb in html = =
scared spoil everything XD
ma fan ni le gena!! hahahaha
will blog again later or tmr :S
(<3 ditto(its a dare ~_~. representing SOMETHING hope it doesnt mean anything bad:S))


Hello (:, you are currently viewing leM0n's little space.
her real name is amanda ting
and lives miraculously on 14 march 1992
she believes in horoscope and is an emotional pisces
she can dream anytime anyday
and loves the magic act of disappearing
her inner swings picks up wind anytime and changes her mood
she would like to go japan,korea & paris someday(:
lastly, she needs love from people (:


♥ receiving things that comes with sincerity
♥ the night
♥ the bed
♥ running away from reality
x dolls that looks like human, when they're not
x clowns
hates a big word for me, normally i only dislike things.:X

Music playing: Kana Nishino - Motto / Tokutemo

Music Playlist at MixPod.com



Vivian Chan

Desmond chew

Credits Y

Image from Here
Image done using Photoshop